Welcome to Unplugged Robotics by Nond!
Unplugged Robotics by Nond is a project which aims to improve the effectiveness of teaching robotics and Computer Science in rural Thai schools, especially in younger audiences.
Computer Science
Unplugged Robotics by Nond
Robotics has become increasingly more important in our day-to-day lives and will inevitably play a large role in the future. Therefore, Robotics knowledge will definitely be important for our generation and those to come. Computer Science itself is a compulsory subject in Thai education for Primary schools.
However, a few issues, which mainly include limited budgets and lack of student interest, have arisen in teaching Computer Science in younger year groups in Thai schools especially those in rural areas. To overcome these issues, I have initiated this project to create fun-filled and affordable unplugged teaching equipment that can support Robotics, Computer Science and basic coding. They have been designed in a way in which they could be created from unused materials in schools (such as an A4 carboard box), making them both affordable and environmentally sustainable.
Phase I
Problem Identification and Idea Creation and Prototyping
Phase II
Improvement Implementation and Project Expansion
Phase III
Further Feedback and Product Redesign and Manufacture
schools in Thailand
average cost per set

Unplugged Activities List
Information, templates and video guides for every activity can all be found below!
Match the Symbol Level 1
This activity is an introduction to flowchart symbols through learning by playing. It aims to help teach robotics and programming to beginners in the subject, especially to younger audiences.
The templates for this activity can be downloaded by pressing the button below. The files are the flowchart symbols (including unrelated symbols) and example questions.
The video on my YouTube Channel (Unplugged Robotics by Nond) will go through the steps of making and playing the activity.
“ Unplugged activities take an ‘approach of exposing children to the ideas of computer science without using computers’. This is particularly beneficial where there is limited access to computing devices. ”
— Ofsted, UK
Match the Symbol Level 2
This activity is the ‘second level’ of Match the Symbol. This activity is similar to Match the Symbol Level 1, but is more challenging for the players as this activity will build on the knowledge that was used in level 1. It aims to introduce flowchart symbols and its application in a flowchart sequence and ‘learning by playing’, especially to younger audiences.
The sample questions for this activity can be downloaded by pressing the button below.
The video on my YouTube Channel (Unplugged Robotics by Nond) will go through the steps of making and playing the activity.
“ The activity allows students to remember and visualise the different symbols. ”
— Teachers
Flowchart Jigsaw
This jigsaw is a ‘learning by playing’ style activity, which involves a flowchart jigsaw. Instead of forming an image in a jigsaw, students will need to build a flowchart series, which is connected through a jigsaw-style concept. It aims to allow students to visualize the flowchart process, linking the flowchart symbols to real life examples.
The template for this activity can be downloaded by pressing the button below. The file is the template for the jigsaw.
The video on my YouTube Channel (Unplugged Robotics by Nond) will go through the steps of making and playing the activity.
“ The activites led to effective discussions among students before placing each symbol. ”
— Teachers
Flowchart Board Game
This activity aims to make students remember flowchart symbols and their usage whilst creating logical thinking. The flowchart board game will allow students to learn by playing a simple and fun board game. This board game has 2 levels that have varying difficulties.
The template for both levels can be downloaded by pressing the button below. The file is the template for Board Game Level 1 and Board Game Level 2. The second file is a list of sample questions.
The video on my YouTube Channel (Unplugged Robotics by Nond) will go through the steps of making and playing the activity.
Flowchart Board Game...

New feature, New experience. A mission card contains a mission that is given to the player and completing the mission grants the player a power up. Power ups range from simple ones like moving a few steps forward all the way to game-changing powers like moving an opponent ALL THE WAY to the START!
Flowchart Board Game Version II
Flowchart Board Game returns in a better and BIGGER version!
After having the opportunity to launch all my activities in over 120 schools, I received valuable feedback, especially for the Flowchart Board Game. This new version aims to address the feedback received from schools.
The template for both levels can be downloaded by pressing the button below.
The video on my YouTube Channel (Unplugged Robotics by Nond) outlines all the new details along with the steps of making and playing the activity.
” Easy and Fun! “
— Students
Prefer ready-made activities or don't have time to make the activities DIY?
Then these products may be just for you!
More details can be found in my Line Official account (Line ID: @bynond)
More details below!

The Flowchart Board Game set comes with both Level 1 and Level 2 along with 6 player counters and two deck of cards.
All proceeds will be used to further manufacture more products for schools in need.
Please contact me via Line Official Account (@bynond) for more details.

The Flowchart Jigsaw set comes with 30+ pieces of different flowchart pieces designed for a fun jigsaw-like flowchart creation.
All proceeds will be used to manufacture more products for schools in need.
Please contact me via Line Official Account (@bynond) for more details.
The NEW Version of Flowchart Board Game set comes with EXTRA player counters (8), MORE in-game cards, ADDITIONAL pathways and the NEWLY-ADDED Mission Cards!
All proceeds will be used to further manufacture more products for schools in need.

@ Unplugged Robotics by Nond
Information about all activities, how to make them DIY and how they work all in one place!
Line Official
Ask me any questions and view details of all products from project unplugged.
Find out more about me in the ‘Me’ tab in the menu bar!